* John R. Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 07:44:09AM -0500)

>>Or is it more a convenience (as in this case where picking the right
>>chunksize will have the load indeed split over multiple disks)

> The original intent was to support file systems that cannot handle files
> larger than 32 KBytes (e.g. ext2 on Linux).  But, as with all good ideas
larger than 2G I assume ;)

> :-), it turns out to have some other nice benefits, such as what you're
> trying to do.

Well, it's all in the amanda.conf now,
We'll see tonight how it goes 

Currently listening to: The Radio (http://www.arrow.nl/specials/GVGVplaylist.htm)

        Gerhard,  <@jasongeo.com>   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==       
   __O  If your watch is wound, wound to run, it will
 =`\<,  If your time is due, due to come, it will
(=)/(=) Living this life, is like trying to learn latin
                in a chines firedrill

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