
I still have problems backing up..

I backup more directories from one machine over the internet.

I check the status as the process progresses and I found that one directory
got dumped okay, but the next one hangs at 100.04% :-?

The directories being backed up are cobalt01.somewhere.nl: /etc, /home and

I previously mailed my problems regarding a backup problem of the /home
directory, while the others went fine.. but roght now, the /etc directory
fails as well... I am very curious where to look for the problem...

To find out, I made a second config for backing up (and send the dumps to
/dev/null). so besides config hosting I use hosting2 for test purposes.

checking the status with amcheck hosting2 tells me that the /var dir is
backed up okay (first dir.), /etc hangs at 100.04% and /home is waiting for
/etc to finish.

The amounts to be backed up are : /etc 70Mb, /home 200Mb and /var 17Mb

I must say I find it very strange that over time (it worked perfectly), more
and more problems arise. With hosting2 I tried to clear en curinfo and index
directories, to make a clean start, but no luck.

I am using Amanda 2.4.2p1 on the server (A Sun Solaris 2.6 machine)
And on the cobalt as well 2.4.2p1.

After the process has stalled, the gtar program is still listed in the
process list (ps) for a while, but it quits as well, after about 10 minutes.

Can I clean some information on the client (cobalt) for amanda which makes
it start from scratch? Or is information only stored on the server side
(using the curinfo and index directories) ?


Shakespeare: 2B|^2B=?

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