Hi Gabriela!

On 11 Jul 01 at 12:31 you wrote:

> I\'m thinking to use amanda on my network, i already 
> know it works with Unix versions and with windows 
> versions, my question is żDoes it work with Netware?

AFAIK it does not currently work with Netware. But a couple of days 
ago someone from MurkWorks inquired if anyone is interested in 
Amanda NLM for Netware, indicating that they have some plans of 
writing it if there would be any users. So maybe in the future.

Check out this message from Novell list archive (sorry if the URL 

Toomas Aas | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.raad.tartu.ee/~toomas/
* Coffee -- n., a person who is coughed upon.

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