On Thu, Oct 04, 2001 at 08:45:06AM -0400, Stan Brown wrote:
> I'm setting up an new machine to replace an existing Amanda server. The
> exisiting machine is HP-UX 10.20, and Amanda is compiled on it with
> largefule support.
> This machine will be backinbg up (among other machines) some HP's that have
> failry large (18G) filesystems. There will also be individual files on
> these machines that exced 2G
> The new machine presently has Linux kernel 2.2.19pre17 (Debian stable). I
> eventually intend to run Oracle on this machien, and I know thta I can get
> it to run with this kernel. 
> So, here's teh question. What willl Amanda do with the learge
> filesystem/files? Will it automaticly split them? Will this make
> restoreing/recovering more dificult?

As long as you have 
    chunksize 1000Mb
in your holding disk definition in your amanda.conf backups are just
working fine. I think its even default in the current version.

Recovery is slightly more complicated. You cannot use qamrestore
without a pipe.  E.g. running

amrestore -c /dev/nst0 host 

to get all filesystems of "host" of the tape will break at the first
one larger 2GB.  If you want to restore the images to the holding
disk, you must use split.

If you restore directly over the network this doesn't matter anyway.

> I'm debaing whether or not I need to upgrade to a version of Linux with
> largefile support. The new Amanda serve has 3 40G drives, if it matters.
> If I need to upgrade, can anyone give me some advice on the best Debian way
> to do this?

IIRC upgrading to unstable and kernel 2.4 gives you full support for large 
files, but although i am typing this on Debian unstable/kernel 2.4.9
i am not really sure. 

 Alles Gute / best wishes  
     Dietmar Goldbeck                E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reporter (to Mahatma Gandhi): Mr Gandhi, what do you think of Western
Civilization?  Gandhi: I think it would be a good idea.

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