KEVIN> For the curious and those searching the archives, here's a long
    KEVIN> explanation of my situation and how I've tried to diagnose it.

    KEVIN> I've compiled amanda 2.4.3b1 on the tapehost with this configure
    KEVIN> statement: ./configure --with-tcpportrange=10084,10100
    KEVIN> --with-udpportrange=932,948 --with-user=amanda --with-group=disk
    KEVIN> --with-config=DailySet1 --with-portrange=10084,10100

    KEVIN> [Question: What does "portrange" affect, that "tcpportrange" and
    KEVIN> "udpportrange" doesn't?]

  My understanding is that "portrange" is simply historic. Or does it
affect the source port?
  Also, specifying ranges on the server won't affect what ports are chosen
by the client.

    KEVIN> (brought to you by Amanda 2.4.3b1) amanda@admin:~ > (One of my
    KEVIN> hosts outside the firewall is disabled in disklist at this time.)

    KEVIN> Note the error warning on host www: port 44937 not
    KEVIN> secure. External just times out.

  Yeah, one problem is that to be considered "secure", the request has to
originate on a "trusted" port (<1024). The firewall/NAT is translating the
port number.

    KEVIN> My host external happens to have ipchains on it; www does
    KEVIN> not. Ipchains is a firewall in Linux. I've set it up to log all
    KEVIN> the denys. Here's the entry caused by the amcheck above: Jan 29
    KEVIN> 12:33:42 external kernel: Packet log: PUB_IN DENY eth1 PROTO=17
    KEVIN> L=173 S=0x00 I=0
    KEVIN> F=0x4000 T=64 (#36) Jan 29 12:34:02 external last message repeated
    KEVIN> 2 times

    KEVIN> This log entry says that a packet was denied because it came from
    KEVIN> host (my organization's firewall/gateway) on port
    KEVIN> 43821 and was directed to host (my amanda client,
    KEVIN> external, outside the firewall) on port 10080 (the amanda
    KEVIN> port). This packet was denied because I have ipchains set up to
    KEVIN> only pass packets in the same ranges used in compiling amanda.

  Well, the firewall is a NAPT box.

    KEVIN> I think what's needed is to make the Source and Destination ports
    KEVIN> the same in each line. However, when I make this suggestion to the
    KEVIN> firewall managers, they reply, "A) We tried this and you told us
    KEVIN> it didn't work, and B) none of the examples in the manual show the
    KEVIN> Source and Destination ports the same, one set always has the
    KEVIN> limits of the non-privileged ports, so we won't try it because it
    KEVIN> couldn't be right."

  Well, try it again, and do the tcpdump/DENY log again.

]       ON HUMILITY: to err is human. To moo, bovine.           |  firewalls  [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON    |net architect[
] [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/ |device driver[
] panic("Just another NetBSD/notebook using, kernel hacking, security guy");  [

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