>Started debugging the script ...

Which version?

>seems like its reading the file
>"changer.conf.conf" ( non-existent file ) and reading the options from
>there, rather than from just "changer.conf".

It takes "changerfile" from amanda.conf (amgetconf <config> changerfile)
and tacks on ".conf" to make the config file name (it even says this in
the comments in the file).  The changerfile value is a base name used
for several files.

>There are still some bug-a-boo's.

I need the changer debug files.  However ...

>...  I suppose one can mix &
>match, but i suppose in a BIG tape changer there may be a few empty
>slots, and a few full ( and even some with the tapes you want to use as
>the backup media ).

One of the rules this particular changer lives by is (from the comments):

  #     You do not have to allocate all of the slots for Amanda use,
  #     but whatever slots you use must be contiguous (i.e. 4 through 9
  #     in the above would be OK but 1, 2, 5, 6, 9 would not).  The one
  #     exception to this is that if one of the slots contains a cleaning
  #     cartridge, it may be in any slot (Amanda will just skip over it if
  #     it is between firstslot and lastslot).

Amanda expects everything between firstslot and lastslot to belong to it.
In theory, it should handle empty slots, but not ones with "junk"
(from Amanda's point of view :-).

>ALSO openening the changer door resets the changers idea of whats loaded
>in each slot. The first time i run amcheck, i get a tape error. ...

Again, I need the debug files to see what the script did.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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