On Mon, 13 May 2002, Andrew Falanga wrote:

> Ok,
>      I don't quite understand things I guess.  The week before last, I 
> couldn't get amanda to work because it didn't want to overwrite the tape 
> I had used to run amcheck with.  So, I relabeled the tape, and set 
> things up to run again.  This time, I get back in to work today and go 
> through the log files generated (for some reason I can't get them with 
> amreport this time, but that's not part of this).
>      This time is says, it can't overwrite an active tape.  Why not? 
> Aren't they supposed to be active?  What is going wrong here?
> Andy

It sounds like you're in a testing mode right now.  It would also help us
to figure out the exact problem if you included the error message and what
your dumpcycle and tapecycle are in your amanda.conf file.  If you want to
remove the tape in a brute force manner, you could remove it out of the
tapelist file.  However, keep in mind that the strategy with Amanda is to
tell it how many tapes you're going to use over a time period and once
those tapes are properly labeled, Amanda will tell you which tape it wants

e.g. I'm on a 15 tape, 3 week cycle, labeled 'VOL[1-3][1-5]' (1st Monday
is VOL11).  If I try to put in VOL 22 on a Monday, Amanda will not dump it
to the tape but it will dump it to the holding disk.

Time for some coffee ...

Doug Silver
Network Manager
Urchin Corporation      http://www.urchin.com

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