> It sounds like you're in a testing mode right now.  It would also help us
> to figure out the exact problem if you included the error message and what
> your dumpcycle and tapecycle are in your amanda.conf file.  If you want to
> remove the tape in a brute force manner, you could remove it out of the
> tapelist file.  However, keep in mind that the strategy with Amanda is to
> tell it how many tapes you're going to use over a time period and once
> those tapes are properly labeled, Amanda will tell you which tape it wants
> next.
> e.g. I'm on a 15 tape, 3 week cycle, labeled 'VOL[1-3][1-5]' (1st Monday
> is VOL11).  If I try to put in VOL 22 on a Monday, Amanda will not dump it
> to the tape but it will dump it to the holding disk.
> Time for some coffee ...

That's just it.  I'm not getting any error's.  Nothing.  I'm not getting 
any mail sent to user amanda.  I've thined out the comments from my conf 
file, and I'm pasting that in to this message.  I don't get it.


org "TestSet1"          # your organization name for reports
mailto "afalanga"       # space separated list of operators at your site
dumpuser "amanda"       # the user to run dumps under

inparallel 4            # maximum dumpers that will run in parallel
netusage  600 Kbps      # maximum net bandwidth for Amanda, in KB per sec

dumpcycle 5 days        # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 0          # the same as dumpcyle
tapecycle 5 tapes       # the number of tapes in rotation

bumpsize 20 Mb          # minimum savings (threshold) to bump level 1 -> 2
bumpdays 1              # minimum days at each level
bumpmult 4              # threshold = bumpsize * bumpmult^(level-1)

etimeout 300            # number of seconds per filesystem for est.

runtapes 1              # number of tapes to be used in a single run of 

# Tape dev info

tapedev "/dev/nst0"     # non-rewinding tape device block name
tapetype DEC-DLT2000    # what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes below)
labelstr "^TestSet1[0-9][0-9]*$"        # label constraint regex: all 
tapes must match

holdingdisk hd2 {
     comment "main holding disk"
     directory "/mnt/holding-tank"       # mount point of holding disk
     use 17 Gb

logdir   "/var/amanda/log"                      # log directory
infofile "/var/amanda/log/TestSet1/curinfo"     # database filename
indexdir "/var/amanda/log/TestSet1/index"       # index directory

# tapetypes

define tapetype DEC-DLT2000 {
     comment "DEC Differential Digital Linear Tape 2000"
     length 15000 mbytes
     filemark 8 kbytes
     speed 1250 kbytes

define dumptype global {
     index yes
     record no

define dumptype comp-test {
     comment "test dump with compression, no /etc/dumpdates recording"
     compress client fast

define dumptype local {
         comment "dump of local file systems"
         compress server best

# network interfaces

define interface local {
     comment "a local disk"
     use 1000 kbps

define interface eth0 {
     comment "100 Mbps ethernet"
     use 400 kbps

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