--On Friday, September 20, 2002 21:46:48 +0200 Marcus Schopen 
> Frank Smith wrote:
>> --On Friday, September 20, 2002 17:46:28 +0200 Marcus Schopen 
>> > I'd like to set up a second set of tapes for making a full backup each
>> > sunday. My daily set with a set of 24 tapes is running from monday to
>> > saturday (dumpcycle 6 and tapecycle 24).
>> >
>> > For the weekly full backuo I have a set of 20 tapes. Amanda should write
>> > a full backup to each tape, so I have weekly full backups for the last
>> > 20 weeks. Is this the right configuration to force amanda to make a
>> > fullback each time:
>> >
>> >  dumpcycle 0
>> >  tapecycle 20
>> >  maxcycle 0
>> >
>> > Contab entry would be
>> >
>> >  0 8 * * 7 backup /usr/sbin/amdump DudeWeeklySet
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> > Marcus
>> Looks OK.  Don't forget to use a dumptype with 'record no'
>> for your weekly or you will hose your daily schedule.
> Thanks for answering that fast.  But I don't understand the 'record no'
> thing. The DudeWeeklySet is a totaly different config. Why or how can
> it overwrite my daily stuff that runs on a different config with a
> different set of tapes.
> Thanks
> Marcus
Dump keeps track of the times and levels of the last dump of each
filesystem by saving the times in /etc/dumpdates.  Since tar doesn't
really have the same concept of levels, Amanda fakes it by writing
similar information in /etc/amandates.
   Neither one has any idea of multiple configs, so the same file
will get updated each time you run any of your configs.  So when
your 'weekly full' runs it will update the file, and then when
your 'daily' runs, it will be expecting to back up files newer
than the last 'daily' run, but dump or tar look for files newer
than the times in the dumpdates/amandate file and will only be
backing up files newer than the time of the 'weekly' run.
  The end result is that your daily set of tape may be unable to
restore the entire filesystem.  Your weekly set should be OK
since its always a full.

that y

Frank Smith                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Administrator                                     Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online                                             Fax: 512-374-4501

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