> "tapes in my library are not full" is not a useful thing to say about
> amanda; amanda over-writes each tape, *never* appends.

This message was from a previous message sent by Jay.

I understand that amanda doesn't do appends of backups.
However I wasn't aware that a complete backup get overwritten.
The reason I ask this is because I thought that during backup
you have a brand new tape. If your first full backup excceds the
capcity of the tape amanda will report the area and amanda will
rewind the tape to the begining of the tape.

So say if you have a tape with a few backups on it if the next backup exceeds
the capcity of the tape then is the statement above saying that once preexisting
backup reaches the end of the tape then will amanda rewind the tape and write over
the old backups?

If this is the case how can this be changed

Craig Hancock

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