I run a cron script that runs the Oracle export utility and tar/gzips
the dmp and log files using a date named file.  You can then use AMANDA
to backup the output.

The alternative is to purchase a third party interface for each Oracle
installation you wish to backup.  Unfortunately, such warez tend to be

The stumbling points you will run into with exp are as follows:
* You should use a parameter file that includes the
userid=user/pwd@connect_string and the owner=schema_to_backup
properties.  If you feel your userid MUST be 'sys/[pwd] AS SYSDBA' you
MUST remember to quote the string.  Otherwise, exp gives errors on the
undefined use of keyword 'AS', and on the attempt to use multiple

* Your crontab file MUST include definitions of ORACLE_HOME and
ORACLE_BASE environment variables, and probably needs a definition of
PATH as well.  Without the two Oracle envars the cron session has no
idea where to look for the Oracle environment.

D. Keith Higgs <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> x0559
 Case Western Reserve University, Webmaster - University Library
 Additional Information at http://www.cwru.edu/UL/ and
"Follow the white rabbit."

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