We have been running Amanda on Solaris for about 4 years.
About 3 months ago, we added a Linux system to the disklist.
Last week, there was a power outage and that host has not been 
backed up since.

It is the only host that is not  (or WAS not at the time :-) on a UPS.
(All my other hosts are in the data center :-)

amcheck looks like text below.

(I think the ERROR: is because production backup is still running).

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Is t here a command-line that I can issue on host "eair"
that will do the same test but give me feedback like a traceroute?
(host jmon1 is pingable, etc as can be seen at the bottom.)


[EMAIL PROTECTED]/]:> amcheck csd jmon1
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /var/dumps/amanda: 60404041 KB disk space available,
that's plenty
ERROR: /dev/rmt/0bn: tape_rdlabel: tape open: /dev/rmt/0bn: I/O error
       (expecting tape ICD08A or a new tape)
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Server check took 0.018 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
WARNING: jmon1: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
Client check: 1 host checked in 30.022 seconds, 1 problem found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.4)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/]:> ssh jmon1 date
Fri Apr  4 10:00:19 EDT 2008

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