
On Fri, May 07, 2010 at 10:10:27AM -0500, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:
> On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 4:22 AM, Mark Adams <m...@campbell-lange.net> wrote:
> > Does this help at all? as it read the 2nd tape does this mean the data
> > is on the tapes and it's a problem with amrecover?
> Basically.  It could mean that the data on the tapes is corrupt,
> although the basic structure of the data is intact (that is, the
> filemarks are in the right place and the headers are right).
> > Also for future ref, do I actually need around 1.5* the space of the DLE
> > to do amfetchdump? (to include the merging..)
> I don't recall which version you're using.  This is no longer the case in 3.1.
> > I'm going to try now using plain gzip instead of pigz, just incase this
> > is causing my issues.
> It's quite possible..

This was the problem. Using gzip it retrieves from the 2nd tape just
fine. It takes twice as long to run the backup though! Is anyone using
pigz and is successfully retrieving data from the 2nd tape on? or has
anyone used pbzip2?


> Dustin
> -- 
> Open Source Storage Engineer
> http://www.zmanda.com

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