On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 05:17:19PM -0400, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:54 PM, Mark Adams <m...@campbell-lange.net> wrote:
> > 1273659791.836703: sendbackup: critical (fatal): index tee cannot write
> > [Broken pipe]
> This means that the index tee (which splits off the 'tar' output to
> generate the index) cannot write to its output, which is the
> client-side compression.  Since the error is EPIPE, this means either
> that pbzip2 exited, or that it closed its standard input prematurely.
> The next step would be to figure out why pbzip2 would do that.  Does
> it automatically compress its stdin and pipe it to stdout?
> Dustin

You need to specify -c with pbzip2 to have it compress to stdout I
believe. If you just run it by itself;

pbzip2: *ERROR: Won't write compressed data to terminal.  Aborting!

pbzip2 -h

Usage: pbzip2 [-1 .. -9] [-b#cdfhklm#p#qrS#tVz] <filename> <filename2>
 -1 .. -9        set BWT block size to 100k .. 900k (default 900k)
 -b#             Block size in 100k steps (default 9 = 900k)
 -c,--stdout     Output to standard out (stdout)
 -d,--decompress Decompress file
 -f,--force      Overwrite existing output file
 -h,--help       Print this help message
 -k,--keep       Keep input file, don't delete
 -l,--loadavg    Load average determines max number processors to use
 -m#             Maximum memory usage in 1MB steps (default 100 = 100MB)
 -p#             Number of processors to use (default: autodetect [2])
 -q,--quiet      Quiet mode (default)
 -r,--read       Read entire input file into RAM and split between
 -t,--test       Test compressed file integrity
 -v,--verbose    Verbose mode
 -V,--version    Display version info for pbzip2 then exit
 -z,--compress   Compress file (default)

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