That did it.... Or may have done it.

I upgraded my FreeBSD sources to the latest 8.x stable and recompiled
the world (and kernel).  I then compiled and installed Perl-5.10.1 for
my FreeBSD by hand, specifically enabling its threaded option.
Finally, I recompiled and reinstalled Amanda 3.1.2.

I made a single virtual tape disk and tested the new configuration.
The taper process was accumulating run time in that configuration and
the single file system was backed up and transferred to 'tape'.  :)

I re-enabled my virtual tape configuration and the chg-disk changer,
and as I type this, I am flushing all the backup files that have been
accumulating from my tests over the last week. That appears to be
working as well.

Thank you.

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 11:58:04AM -0500, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 11:16 AM, Stephen Corbesero <> wrote:
> > It still seems to hang right after the message about the 'Final
> > linkage'.  That is coming from the link_elements() subroutine in
> > xfer-src/xfer.c.
> Which is basically where the threading starts..
> > I am not sure what to do next to get more evidence.
> Have you checked that libc_r, glib, perl, and Amanda are all compiled
> with the same threading library?  John Hein dug up a thread from when
> we tried to work this out back in March:
> the thread went un-answered at the time.  The solution we found was to
> build a threaded perl, using the same underlying threading library
> that everything else is built against.  If I recall, John ended up
> doing a *lot* of custom builds for this.  I'm not sure what the
> "right" solution is here.
> Dustin
> -- 
> Open Source Storage Engineer

Stephen Corbesero                        It's always darkest 
Bethlehem, PA 18015                      before pitch black.                        

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