On 05/25/2012 01:01 AM, Toomas Aas wrote:

While exploring the recent "GNU tar --one-file-system flag seems to have no effect" issue, I forced some DLEs with 'amadmin force'. My understanding of 'force' has been that it forces the DLE to do a full backup on next run, and then returns to the normal planner behaviour.

You are right.

However, my forced DLEs are now doing full backup every night. In the e-mail report I always have these lines:

planner: Forcing full dump of kuller.raad.tartu.ee:/storage as directed. planner: Forcing full dump of kuller.raad.tartu.ee:/storage/lists as directed.

I tried to unforce these DLEs, but unsuccessfully:

# su backup -c "amadmin BACKUP unforce kuller.raad.tartu.ee /storage"
amadmin: no force command outstanding for kuller.raad.tartu.ee:/storage, unchanged. amadmin: no force command outstanding for kuller.raad.tartu.ee:/storage/lists, unchanged. # su backup -c "amadmin BACKUP unforce kuller.raad.tartu.ee /storage/lists" amadmin: no force command outstanding for kuller.raad.tartu.ee:/storage/lists, unchanged.

That say there is no 'force command'.

What are the first two lines of their info file, .../curinfo/kuller.raad.tartu.ee/_storage/info .../curinfo/kuller.raad.tartu.ee/_storage_lists/info
A command of 0 means there is no force command.

Are you sure you do not set the force command somewhere else?


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