On 05/25/2012 08:27 AM, Toomas Aas wrote:
Hello Jean-Louis!

What are the first two lines of their info file, .../curinfo/kuller.raad.tartu.ee/_storage/info .../curinfo/kuller.raad.tartu.ee/_storage_lists/info
A command of 0 means there is no force command.

Both files begin with these two lines:

version: 0
command: 0

So it appears there should not be a force command.

On the other hand, I looked at tonight's amdump.1 file in the log directory, and for the /storage/lists DLE it says:

planner: time 0.163: setting up estimates for kuller.raad.tartu.ee:/storage/lists
kuller.raad.tartu.ee:/storage/lists overdue 7 days for level 0
setup_estimate: kuller.raad.tartu.ee:/storage/lists: command 1, options: none last_level -1 next_level0 -7 level_days 0 getting estimates 0 (-3) -1 (-3) -1 (-3)

A last_level of -1 is not normal, send m the complete amdump log file and the complete info files.


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