For some reason, the headers in the particular message from the list (from Brian) are causing my mail client or something to completely strip the message so that it is blank when I reply. That is, I compose a message, it looks good, and I send it. But then I get a blank bcc, brian gets a blank message, and the list gets a blank message. Weird. So I'm replying to Christoph Scheeder's message and pasting in the contents for replying to Brian. That will put the list thread somewhat out of order, but better than completely disconnecting from the thread. Here goes (for the third time):


So, Brian, this is the puzzle. Your file systems have a reason for being difficult. They have "several hundred thousand files PER directory."

The filesystem that is causing me trouble, as I indicated, only has 2806 total files and 140 total directories. That's basically nothing.

So, is this gzip choking on tif files? Is gzip even involved when sending estimates? If I remove compression will it fix this? I could break it up into multiple DLE's, but Amanda will still need estimates of all the pieces.

Or is it something entirely different? And, if so, how should I go about 
looking for it?

On 4/3/13 1:14 PM, Brian Cuttler wrote:

for larger file systems I've moved to "server estimate", less
accurate but takes the entire estimate phase out of the equation.

We have had a lot of success with pig zip rather than regular
gzip, is it'll take advantage of the mutiple CPUs and give
parallelization during compression, which is often our bottleneck
during actual dumping. In one system I cut DLE dump time from
13 to 8 hours, a huge savings (I think those where the numbers,
I can look them up...).

ZFS will allow unlimited capacity, and enough files per directory
to choke access, we have backups that run very badly here, with
litterally several hundred thousand files PER directory, and
multiple such directories.

For backups themselves, I do use snapshots where I can on my
ZFS file systems.

On Wed, Apr 03, 2013 at 11:26:01AM -0400, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
This seems like an obvious "read the FAQ" situation, but . . .

I'm running Amanda 3.3.2 on a Sun T5220 with Solaris 10 and a J4500 "jbod"
disk array with multipath SAS. It all should be fast and is on the local
server, so there isn't any network path outside localhost for the DLE's
that are giving me trouble. They are zfs on raidz1 with five 2TB drives.
Gnutar is v1.23. This server is successfully backing up several other
servers as well as many more DLE's on the localhost. Output to an AIT5 tape

I've upped the etimeout to 1800 and the dtimeout to 3600, which both seem
outrageously long (jumped from the default 5 minutes to 30 minutes, and
from the default 30 minutes to an hour).

The filesystem (DLE) that is giving me trouble (hasn't backed up in a
couple of weeks) is /export/herbarium, which looks like:

    marlin:/export/herbarium# df -k .
    Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
                          2040109465 262907572 1777201893    13%
    marlin:/export/herbarium# find . -type f | wc -l
    marlin:/export/herbarium# find . -type d | wc -l

So, it is only 262G and only has 2806 files. Shouldn't be that big a deal.
They are typically tif scans.

One thought that hits me is: possibly, because it is over 200G of tif
scans, compression is causing trouble? But this is just getting estimates,
output going to /dev/null.

Here is a segment from the very end of the sendsize debug file from April 1
(the debug file ends after these lines):

Mon Apr  1 08:05:49 2013: thd-32a58: sendsize: .....
Mon Apr  1 08:05:49 2013: thd-32a58: sendsize: estimate time for
/export/herbarium level 0: 26302.500
Mon Apr  1 08:05:49 2013: thd-32a58: sendsize: estimate size for
/export/herbarium level 0: 262993150 KB
Mon Apr  1 08:05:49 2013: thd-32a58: sendsize: waiting for runtar
"/export/herbarium" child
Mon Apr  1 08:05:49 2013: thd-32a58: sendsize: after runtar
/export/herbarium wait
Mon Apr  1 08:05:49 2013: thd-32a58: sendsize: getting size via gnutar for
/export/herbarium level 1
Mon Apr  1 08:05:49 2013: thd-32a58: sendsize: Spawning
"/usr/local/libexec/amanda/runtar runtar daily
/usr/local/etc/amanda/tools/gtar --create --file /dev/null --numeric-owner
--directory /export/herbarium --one-file-system --listed-incremental
--sparse --ignore-failed-read --totals ." in pipeline
Mon Apr  1 10:16:17 2013: thd-32a58: sendsize: Total bytes written:
77663795200 (73GiB, 9.5MiB/s)
Mon Apr  1 10:16:17 2013: thd-32a58: sendsize: .....
Mon Apr  1 10:16:17 2013: thd-32a58: sendsize: estimate time for
/export/herbarium level 1: 7827.571
Mon Apr  1 10:16:17 2013: thd-32a58: sendsize: estimate size for
/export/herbarium level 1: 75843550 KB
Mon Apr  1 10:16:17 2013: thd-32a58: sendsize: waiting for runtar
"/export/herbarium" child
Mon Apr  1 10:16:17 2013: thd-32a58: sendsize: after runtar
/export/herbarium wait
Mon Apr  1 10:16:17 2013: thd-32a58: sendsize: done with amname
/export/herbarium dirname /export/herbarium spindle 45002


Chris Hoogendyk

   O__  ---- Systems Administrator
  c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
 (*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst



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