On 04/05/2013 12:09 PM, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
OK, folks, it is the "--sparse" option that Amanda is putting on the gtar. This is /usr/sfw/bin/tar version 1.23 on Solaris 10. I have a test script that runs the runtar and a test directory with just 10 of the tif files in it.

Without the "--sparse" option, time tells me that it takes 0m0.57s to run the script.

With the "--sparse" option, time tells me that it takes 3m14.91s to run the script.

Scale that from 10 to 1300 tif files, and I have serious issues.

Now what? Can I tell Amanda not to do that? What difference will it make? Is this a bug in gtar?

Use the amgtar application instead of the GNUTAR program, it allow to disable the sparse option.

tar can't know where are the holes, it must read them.

You WANT the sparse option, otherwise your backup will be large because tar fill the holes with 0.

Your best option is to use the calcsize or server estimate.


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