Am 06.10.2014 um 23:51 schrieb Joi L. Ellis:
> We have several SANS here.  I'm not their manager so I'm not able to
> really be specific as to brand or whatnot, but I know one of them is
> setup to replicate itself off-site to a backup SAN, so any hosts
> storing files on it get those backed up for "free" without Amanda.
> Another SAN we have is ISCSI, and for that one, the VMs and hosts
> using that SAN are all on am Infiniband dedicated network segment
> which my Amanda server can't reach anyway.  For all of those, one
> host <-> one mount, and I have Amanda configured to backup the files
> via the one host that mounts it.  As the ISCSI SAN is on a
> restricted-access, dedicated Infiniband 56G network segment, and the
> Amanda traffic is going out a normal 1G Ethernet interface, the
> "double-the-traffic" argument doesn't hold up here.
> If the windows machine can expose the desired files with a secondary
> share, you can use Amanda to backup the file content.  I don't expect
> that to have any NTFS or registry information, though.  I have
> several windows clients which, for reasons of elderly OS/crappy
> application software, use such a thing as their only backup process.

sorry for the late reply.

Thanks for your posting ... they solved it via plain amsamba-DLE
already. And it works ;-)


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