> On Feb 13, 2017, at 2:46 AM, Stefan G. Weichinger <s...@amanda.org> wrote:
> (didn't show up on the ml, so I re-send)
> is there any good trick to do this:
> on amanda-client-host I run backups of VMs to tarballs (using
> virt-backup and LVM)
> in my amanda config I have DLEs pointing at the generated tarballs
> Now it happens that the virt-backup isn't fully done when amanda already
> wants to dump the DLEs -> this results in invalid backups!
> I know, I could schedule amdump *after* all the virt-backups are done,
> but I would like to optimize that: amdump should be able to dump other
> DLEs in parallel already.
> One solution would be to use the starttime parameter?
> Rather static.
> plan B: make virt-backup create some lock-file during its runs and make
> the amanda DLE wait to be dumped until after that virt-backup lock file
> has been removed.
> Does anyone of you already have such a setup running?

re:  Lockfile:   if you put a file named   “hold”  in your config directory,  
will wait until it is gone.    I have my ARCHIVE script  put a hold file in the 
DAILY directory,
so that the daily waits until archive is done:

touch $HOME/amanda/configs/daily/hold

rm -f $HOME/amanda/configs/daily/hold

  (Or wherever you keep YOUR config files.   My “configs”  directory is a 
pointer to the real
place,   /usr/local/etc/amanda      for me.

Deb Baddorf

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