> On Feb 13, 2017, at 1:42 PM, Stefan G. Weichinger <li...@xunil.at> wrote:
> Am 2017-02-13 um 20:30 schrieb Debra S Baddorf:
>> re:  Lockfile:   if you put a file named   “hold”  in your config directory, 
>>  amanda
>> will wait until it is gone.    I have my ARCHIVE script  put a hold file in 
>> the DAILY directory,
>> so that the daily waits until archive is done:
>> touch $HOME/amanda/configs/daily/hold
>> rm -f $HOME/amanda/configs/daily/hold
>>  (Or wherever you keep YOUR config files.   My “configs”  directory is a 
>> pointer to the real
>> place,   /usr/local/etc/amanda      for me.
> nice suggestion, but as I understand it it pauses the whole amdump run,
> and not only dumping one specific DLE.
> If that would work per DLE it would be nice.
> Something like a dumptype-parameter ;-)
> thanks

Yes, that’s a built in thing,  but yes it affects the whole dump run.


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