I use vtapes of 100GB and runtapes == 3.  Most days only
one tape is used.  About once every 2 or 3 weeks a second
tape is needed.  Yesterday was one of those days.  But
amanda chose the same vtape for the second tape and over
wrote the data it had just written to the "first" tape.

>From the report:

  Tape Size (meg)         179621.1   171549.4     8071.8

Need multiple tapes.

    Label                 Time         Size      %  DLEs Parts
    DS1-215               1:45      179621M  175.4    25    58

Only one tape listed, filled to 175%.

    taper: tape DS1-215 kb 104856364 fm 34 [OK]
    taper: tape DS1-215 kb 79075697 fm 24 [OK]

Tape DS1-215 selected twice.  Only the 24 files from the
later run are present on the vtape, not the 58 total files.
The first run was overwritten.

JLM I've saved all the log files I could find from this run.
What might you need to analyze this further?

I looked at /var/log/amanda/server/DS1/taper.<date> and it
appears to only contain information about the 2nd usage of
the tape.

Jon H. LaBadie                 j...@jgcomp.com
 11226 South Shore Rd.          (703) 787-0688 (H)
 Reston, VA  20190              (703) 935-6720 (C)

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