On Jan 5, 2018, at 2:22 PM, Chris Miller <c...@tryx.org> wrote:
> I can't find any explicit guidance for databases, so I assume that
> I do any database preparation in the cron job before I invoke amdump,
> and then tell Amanda to prune the database. Am I right?  OR, is there
> an agent for the common databases, like MySQL, and PostgresSQL?

There's one for PostgreSQL, described here:


It's one example of an Amanda 'application', which is essentially
a plug-in for Amanda to back up a certain special kind of stuff.

If you can write a little program (in Perl or another language)
that, roughly, knows how to read your special kind of stuff and
send it out a pipe as a stream of bytes, or later get that stream
of bytes piped back to it and write out the recovered stuff, you
can write an application specific to another database, or other
specialized application you want to back up. This extensibility
is an Amanda strength (if a bit underutilized; there is a pull
request pending right now to make it easier to do).

In the case of a DBMS like PostgreSQL, there is a lot of latitude
for deciding what you even mean by "taking a backup", "pruning",
"incremental backup", and so on. The existing ampgsql application
implements one particular way of thinking about that. If a different
way would fit your setup better, it could be implemented as another
application (maybe just ampgsql slightly changed, or perhaps very


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