Am 28.09.18 um 00:54 schrieb Ashwin Krishna:
Thanks Todd.

We are planning to host a conference call and would like all the active admins 
and community members to join to have a discussion with the Zmanda team at 
BETSOL regarding future collaborations.

Will be sending out the meeting details (US time) with the agenda later.

I suggest setting up a modern web-based forum + wiki + issue-tracker as it is common for other open source software projects. asap.

And clearly define who is in charge on side of BETSOL ... plus explain the role of Jean-Louis as he has been the one and only programmer continually communicating with the amanda-users over the last years.

The old "amanda core team" isn't of much meaning anymore (I am still part of it because of some documentation work back then).

Since Zmanda entered the stage we all were quite confused as communication paths were rather fuzzy to say the least.

Please don't continue this.

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