
> While trying to figure out the error messages Gene was reporting I took
> a look at the source code that performs this security check [*] and

Maybe my error was not the same, but it did concern amanda-security.conf
permission. It was back in July, so my memory maybe confused :)

>> To do that, I modified the Makefile in FreeBSD port to include the
>> option:
>> --with-security-file=/usr/local/etc/amanda/amanda-security.conf
>> [ In the case of FreeBSDm it was:
>> --with-security-file=${ETCDIR}/amanda/amanda-security.conf
> Have you completed the build process with this configure parameter in
> place?  (I'm curious to hear if it did work as expected for you.)

Yes, and I just check the permission and ownership:

/, /usr, /usr/local/, /usr/local/etc belong to 0:0 with mode 755
/usr/local/etc/amanda belongs to amanda:amanda with permission 755

The pamameter --with-security-file (used for ./configure I guess) is in
the default FreeBSD port Makefile, I just moved it to



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