Hi Brian, 

> From: "Cuttler, Brian R (HEALTH)" <brian.cutt...@health.ny.gov>
> To: "Cuttler, Brian R (HEALTH)" <brian.cutt...@health.ny.gov>, "Chris Miller"
> <c...@tryx.org>, "amanda-users" <amanda-users@amanda.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 9:08:26 AM
> Subject: RE: Configuration confusion

> Tape custody – means what, retention policy or storage of the tape when not in
> the drive/juke?

Yes. Simplest is local custody. Off site custody comes in two media flavors -- 
local media and cloud. Off site costs, so we want to minimize this, as well as 
increases the response time for restorations. You get the idea. I don't use 
tapes; I use removable disks, optical media,and usb keydrives. General this is 
determined by the client, so when I plan this, I simply consider which client 
backups need to be sequestered where. This gives me a configuration where I can 
think in terms of "client <A> gets backedup to NAS <A>", where NAS <A> has 
different properties and different dispositions. 

> Amanda is not an archiver in the sense that the tapes are cycled on a regular
> basis. You are able to tape a tape out of rotation and replace it, or create a
> unique tape label and perform level 0 backups to it and then mark it as
> no-reuse in the tapelist, but the primary function is not long term archiving,
> though the tools exist to do that very well.

> You can use the same tape pool for all three Amanda configs, but they will 
> need
> to have a common tapelist file. But if you are doing that then you are
> selecting a single set of standards for your data-at-rest security, in which
> case there is little reason to maintain 3 different configs.

> Each Amanda config will look to level nightly data, but you will have nights
> with relatively little and nights with relatively large data volume swings, er
> think wave interference from physics. You eliminate a lot of that by combining
> disklists into a single configuration.

Yes! " Each Amanda config will look to level nightly data ..." This is my 
principle question, and I seek to level the nightly data across all configs on 
a given night, which I recognize can't be done, so I seek to combine my 
multiple configs into a single config which specifies multiple sets of DLEs 
being mapped to multiple tapedev, if that can be done. For example, if the 
definition of tapedev had a "DLE ..." argument, and AMANDA were capable of this 
additional dimension of scheduling. 

> Amanda will backup a new DLE at level 0 the first time it sees it. If you are
> worried about running long you will want to phase in the DLEs across several
> evenings. You may want to add the largest on Friday night, assuming that no 
> one
> cares how late Amanda runs into Saturday. You will want to avoid adding
> multiple large DLEs on a single night, add a large and a small each night 
> until
> they are all added.

"Phasing" my backup jobs may be my only choice, as that is exactly the problem 
I seek to avoid and I have been admonished to not try to subvert the scheduler 
by forcing level 0 backups to happen on my schedule. As I continue to discuss 
this, I am more and more convinced that AMANDA cannot schedule in two 
dimensions {(backups / night) X (nights / cycle)} 

So, suppose I wanted to force my level 0 backups to happen at my discretion, so 
I can level my nightly run times. How would I do that? 

Thanks for the help, Brian. 


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