Hi Nathan,

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Nathan Stratton Treadway" <natha...@ontko.com>
> To: "amanda-users" <amanda-users@amanda.org>
> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 2:11:14 PM
> Subject: Re: Taper scan algorithm did not find an acceptable volume.

> A common convention (i.e. Amanda doesn't require this, but it seems to
> work well at many sites) is to have your volume labels be all-caps
> versions of the config name, or something related to that, followed by a
> zero-padded two-or-three digit number.  For example, I have a
> configuration called TestBackup, and in that configuration I have
>  labelstr "^TESTBACKUP-[0-9][0-9]$"
> , and because I have 21 vtapes my volume labels I used are

Interestingly, this is quite close to the convention I adopted. I wanted to use 
the zero padded sequence number, but I opted for an exact match of the slot 
number, which offends my compulsions, but honors my fidelity to precedent. (-:

> Hmmm, right, this topic came up on this list back in March: check out
> the the thread "some suggested config parameters for backups to local
> disk" (e.g.
>  https://www.mail-archive.com/amanda-users@amanda.org/msg49720.html
> or
>  https://marc.info/?l=amanda-users&m=152190468109388&w=2
> ).

I learned something from this thread.

Thanks for the help, Nathan.


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