On Sat, 25 May 2019 17:43:15 -0400
Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:

> Amanda may well work that way, but if the networking event gets a
> faint whiff of ipv6, it won't assign a route to the ipv4 setup.
> local host work fine, a dns lookuo is stuck in your shirt pocket and
> the network hardware is wasting power doing zip.

Odd. My Debian 9.9 (stretch) machines all have ipv6 configured, unused
and unwanted. The firewall configuration for ipv6 shuts the interfaces
down utterly. I get to ignore it completely. Nor does it affect amanda.
But I use ssh for amanda.

"When we talk of civilization, we are too apt to limit the meaning of
the word to its mere embellishments, such as arts and sciences; but
the true distinction between it and barbarism is, that the one
presents a state of society under the protection of just and
well-administered law, and the other is left to the chance government
of brute force."
- The Rev. James White, Eighteen Christian Centuries, 1889
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