On Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 14:03:07 -0500, Robert Heller wrote:
> It prints an error message and returns an error status:
> backup@newserver:~$ amtape -otpchanger=vault_changer -ointeractivity='' 
> wendellfreelibrary label wendellfreelibrary-vault-030
> ERROR: Source Volume 'wendellfreelibrary-vault-030' not found
> (and does not hang)


What happens from the command line if you leave off the -ointeractivity

The strange thing is that the strace does seem to show a repeated
looping over all the vtape slots, presumably continually searching for
the specfied label.... but I didn't notice any activity that is
obviously interactivity-related in between the loops.  So it's not clear
why amtape is looping within the Java context but immeidately
terminating with an error message in the shell/tclsh contexts.

> I'm *guessing* that the Java Process created by exec() wants to deal with the 
> printout, but can't.                                                          

In the strace you posted, amtape appeared to be looping through the
slots multiple times without attempting to write that "ERROR" message
anywhere, so off hand I would guess amtape is getting put into a
different search mode, rather than a problem with the Java side not
being able to accept the output.  I'm not sure what would trigger that
different mode, though.

I suppose my next suggestion would be to compare carefully the amtape
.debug files between a run from the command line and a run from within
Java -- any difference between the two could be a hint....


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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