
it's many years now that Amarok 2.9 is about to be released. The
saturday-morning emails remember us weekly that there are still a couple of
regressions since years. In the meanwhile development almost stopped, but
not completely. I, like many, contributed with small but important patches
(otherwise we would haven't dedicated time to provide such fixes).

I think it's fair if the work since 2.8 is not wasted and 2.9 is released.

Current regressions are minor bugs, the only annoying thing not working
anymore is the cover search. But it's not a newly-introduced regression,
just the world changed and all the services used for cover search become
not available anymore. It's not a problem not present in 2.8 that people
would face when updating to 2.9. It's already broken now.

I would disable what doesn't work to not give false impressions, removing
the broken services from cover search, and release 2.9. This would fix the
access to wikipedia and other bugs we dedicated time to.

Cover search can be restored later, if developers find time to dedicate to
it and somebody reviews the available services and select the suitable ones
for the future Amarok.


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