Thanks for your reply :)

On Mon, 3 Aug 2009 19:11:45 +0200
Mark Martinec <> wrote:

> The DSN for spam is suppressed when spam score exceeds spam_dsn_cutoff_level.

        Yes, that's why I set it so high, I was using the GTUBE email to test
which scores around 1000.

> Note that since 2.4.3 there are two such levels:
> 2.4.3 release_notes:
> - introduce new variable @spam_dsn_cutoff_level_bysender_maps (also member of
>   policy banks), complementing an existing by-recipient list of lookup tables
>   @spam_dsn_cutoff_level_maps. The new variable serves to make it possible
>   to trim down spam bounces to domains sending their own bounces with non-null
>   return path (envelope sender address) and without DSN NOTIFY=NEVER option,
>   but also to frequently abused domains, or to those sending marginal spam.
>   When spam level exceeds either the @spam_dsn_cutoff_level_bysender_maps
>   or the @spam_dsn_cutoff_level_maps level, (non)delivery status notification
>   is suppressed even with $final_spam_destiny set to D_BOUNCE;
> Their defaults are:
>   @spam_dsn_cutoff_level_maps = (\$sa_dsn_cutoff_level);
>   @spam_dsn_cutoff_level_bysender_maps = (\$sa_dsn_cutoff_level);
> If your intention is to disable spam cutoff level within a
> policy bank, set both to undef:
>   spam_dsn_cutoff_level_maps => undef,
>   spam_dsn_cutoff_level_bysender_maps => undef,
> or set the:
>   sa_dsn_cutoff_level => undef,
> which achieves the same.

        Interesting, although I did manage to get the result I was looking for
once I restarted Amavis *and* postfix.  Not sure why...

> >   warnspamsender => 1,
> Don't do this, the 'warnspamsender' is a relict from old versions
> and is only there for compatibility with old config files. Sending
> of a DSN (= bounce) is nowadays controlled through final_spam_destiny
> and the spam_dsn_cutoff_level.

        Ah.  OK.  I have removed it.

> > In testing, I get spam notifications to my spam_admin address (this is
> > not configured elsewhere), but the spam is not bounced to the sender.
> because of a missing spam_dsn_cutoff_level_bysender_maps=>undef

        I'll add this.

> > Also, the notification email says "Content analysis details: (998.8
> > points, 5.0 required)" but "5.0" is not the setting anywhere, and
> > clearly not in this policy.
> The "5.0" comes from a SpamAssassin config file ('required_hits')
> and only appears in the SpamAssassin report, it has no other
> effect. Just ignore it, or for cosmetic reasons set required_hits
> in to your kill level (or tag2 level if you prefer).

        Ah, OK.  Thanks!

> > What is the difference between warnspamsender and
> > "final_spam_destiny => D_BOUNCE" supposed to be 
> > anyway?
> It's conceptually the same thing, the warnspamsender is mapped to
> final_spam_destiny for backwards compatibility. Don't bother with
> warnspamsender and don't change its default value, just pretend
> it never existed.

        OK, cool.  Good to know.

> > It seems the "originating => 1" must override certain things.
> > I have cut it out and am getting behavior closer to what I want.
> Don't do that. If you know mail hitting a policy bank is coming
> from local networks or authenticated users, the 'originating'
> flag is supposed to be set - it allows amavisd to distinguish
> between internal-to-internal and inbound mail, among other
> things it controls DKIM signing.

        Again, thanks for that info!


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