-----Original Message-----
From: amavis-users 
[mailto:amavis-users-bounces+benedict.white=cse-ltd.co...@amavis.org] On Behalf 
Of Noel Butler
Sent: 29 April 2016 10:49
To: Mark Martinec
Cc: amavis-users@amavis.org
Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE: amavisd-new-2.11.0 released

On 27/04/2016 05:46, Mark Martinec wrote:

> A release 2.11.0 of amavisd-new now is available at:
> https://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/amavisd-...
>    Release notes are at: [...]

(!!)TROUBLE in child_init_hook: BDB can't connect db env. at
/var/amavis/db: No such file or directory, No such file or directory. at (eva
[12186]: (!)_DIE: Suicide in child_init_hook: BDB can't connect db env. 
at /var/amavis/db: No such file or directory, No such file or directory. 
[12188]: (!!)TROUBLE in child_init_hook: BDB can't connect db env. at
/var/amavis/db: No such file or directory, No such file or directory. a

ohh well... I guess this bullshit wasnt fixed in this release either

perhaps time to re-look at alternatives like mailscanner

Probably a good idea. After all abusing people who do stuff for free isn't 
going to win you friends and influence people.

I have not seen your previous posts on the subject but wonder if the user 
Amavis runs under can actually see that 
directory and what's in it. If so, is there a DB file?

Are you actually using the DB? If not just turn it off.

Kind Regards, 

Benedict White

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