-----Original Message-----
From: amavis-users 
[mailto:amavis-users-bounces+benedict.white=cse-ltd.co...@amavis.org] On Behalf 
Of Michael H
Sent: 29 April 2016 11:34
To: amavis-users@amavis.org
Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE: amavisd-new-2.11.0 released
>> I have not seen your previous posts on the subject but wonder if the 
>> user Amavis runs under can actually see that directory and what's in 
>> it. If so, is there a DB file?
>> Are you actually using the DB? If not just turn it off.
> I'm not going into detail since you're not a dev, as this has been 
> covered in detail on the list in the past as Mark knows, by more than 
> just myself, but just FYI to save you looking up archives, its an 
> ongoing mess for a few years now

>I thought this was a mailing list? you explain your issues, the general public 
>offer help if they have experienced the same.
>Your attitude stinks.
>Benedict may not be a dev but who's to say that he hasn't solved this exact 
>issue himself and is holding the secret that you desire?

I've been running Amavis for years, including re installing it several times.

I have seen similar errors. They result ultimately from the file not being 

Fixes can include just touching the file (touch /path/to/file/filename.db)

Kind Regards, 

Benedict White

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