New Media Scotland presents a new project for HOST:

Beverley Hood - Doppelganger

Doppelganger is a real-time 3D interactive environment featuring a series of portraits of artists, set in simulations of their homes and studios. Doppelganger examines the role of digital technologies in representating real space.

This work for HOST forms part of the exhibition Doppelganger, at Street Level Photoworks, Glasgow, 30 March - 8 May 2004. The artist will give a talk at Street Level Photoworks on Saturday 17 April @ 3pm, and will undertake a 3D character modelling workshop on Sunday 18 April, both as part of Glasgow's Real Art Weekend.

Beverley Hood is based in Edinburgh. Her work with interactive media examines how we negotiate, identify and interpret transitions between real and virtual space. She has exhibited in the UK, Europe, North America and Japan and she has collaborated with a range of international organisations including: c3, Budapest; LUTCHI Research Centre, Loughborough; Akiyoshidai International Art Village, Japan; iaab, Basel. Currently Beverley is artist-in-residence at the Edinburgh Virtual Environment Centre (EdVEC), University of Edinburgh.

HOST is a space on the New Media Scotland web site dedicated to projects by artists. Earlier projects also available to view on HOST feature a range of Scottish and international artists including Beagles & Ramsay, Mike Stubbs, slateford, Katrina McPherson & Simon Fildes, *candy factory, Luci Eyers, Dane, Torsten Lauschmann, Lindsay Perth, Claude Closky and Roshini Kempadoo.

Doppelganger produced in association with Street Level Photoworks, supported by New Media Scotland, Scottish Arts Council, Alt-w, Edinburgh College of Art.

For further information contact:

New Media Scotland
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ
Tel. +44 131 477 3774

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