[] low-fi commissions ’04
[apologies if you receive this more than once]

This is an open call for proposals for 5 net art commissions. We are wanting to support some new work by artists already working with network technology. low-fi is an artist collective focusing on net art.
More info below and on our site:


[] Call for proposals

low-fi welcomes proposals for 5 commissioned art projects from artists working with networked technology/internet. We are open to international applications. A successful proposal could be realised either wholly online; or could be partially online and partially in some other media or event/performance based. However the internet will need to be an integral component. We are aiming to extend artists' current practice by offering financial assistance to the successful applicants. The fee for each commission will be £1,500.

low-fi will curate an exhibition of the commissioned projects collaborating with Iliyana Nedkova [ http://www.mediascot.org ] the Associate Curator at Stills Gallery, Edinburgh [ http://www.stills.org/ ]. Proposals should include details on how their proposed project would work in a gallery based installation. Please also include some indication of installation requirements, especially those that go beyond the basic provision of equipment, network connection and rudimentary construction (such as screens, plinths &c.) The show will run at Stills Gallery from April - June 2005.

[we will not accept proposals which are:
- for home pages of documentation for projects that exist entirely offline
- for projects which have already been produced]

In order to submit a proposal please download and complete the application form:

[] URL: http://www.low-fi.org.uk/commissions/application_04.txt

Then email it to us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[] Deadline: 15 July '04

[] http://www.low-fi.org.uk
[] net art locator

------------------------------------------------- a m b i t : networking media arts in scotland post: [EMAIL PROTECTED] archive: http://www.mediascot.org/ambit info: send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and write "info ambit" in the message body -------------------------------------------------

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