Hello Matthias,

> The good news: your code works for me. The bad news: I
> cannot reproduce
> what you wrote.

My apologies. I did not explain myself well. My code worked for me
also. It was the Cookbook example I could not get to work. 

>From http://amforth.sourceforge.net/TG/recipes/Turnkey.html

variable oldturnkey
' turnkey defer@ oldturnkey !
: myturnkey
   oldturnkey @ execute
' myturnkey is turnkey

Every other Cookbook example I have tried has worked first time so I
wondered what I was doing wrong. Being new to AmForth I have much to
learn as Erich's substantially more direct solution shows.  

: tk.custom

  \ your code goes here


' tk.custom is turnkey

> I was slightly confused by the 1 second delay, but even
> that works as specified.

Returning to my code, my objective is to access the interpreter over
RF. The 1 second delay in turnkey was there to allow the RF module to
start up prior to my asking it to take over the serial
connection. Unfortunately and confusingly I left the delay in when I
pruned the example for the list.

Kind regards and thanks,

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