On 04-May-00 23:48:48, Jamie wrote in AmIRC:
>YOU and some OTHERS may not like coloured text. *I* don't like
>"Single-Window Mode". I do *NOT* however, bitch at anyone who *DOES* like

Using single window mode doesn't affect the other people on IRC, colors /do/

GM>> screwed over people who rely on text-to-speech set ups to be able
GM>> to participate in IRC.
>OHHHH. So blind ppl can use IRC, but if I want colours i should go to

Again, blind people using IRC doesn't cause any annoyance for other people
on the IRC.

Do as you like on your end, just don't bother everybody else with it, unless
they really want it.

Trond K. Tveit               Active Amiga user since 1987
aka Dr. Spooky         This is how my AmigaOS v3.5 looks today
  Team AMIGA              http://www.bigfoot.com/~drspooky/

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