On Sun 26-Mar-2001 11:16a, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i> Ehm, I have no clue of what those modes do, Since they are extensions
i> not the standard ircd. And amirc only promises support to the rfc..

i> Thats all i can say... =) (Ie, Not a real bug.. but if it is a bug
i> then where is it? In the ircd or in amirc? =))

+I is 'no invites' (people aren't allowed to invite people to the room)
+S is strip colorcodes

Yes, they aren't part of the "standard", but I still think it's a bug if it
breaks the whole client when it sees something it doesn't understand.  What if
new flags get added to "the standard"?  We have to wait around a few months
for a fix?

It should pick out the modes it DOES support, and just ignore the rest.

 :  Bob Maple  (Brazilian)  : When love is gone, there's always justice.  :
 :  bobm at burner dot com  : And when justice is gone, there's always    :
 :                          : force.  And when force is gone, there's     :
 :     http: burner.com     : always Mom.  Hi, Mom!     - Laurie Anderson :

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