It can be quite interesting approaching someone who innocently is a source of 

Years ago when I worked in two-way we had a problem with interference on the 
input of a customers repeater. 

A signal would come and go, sounded like TV raster. Was strong enough to take 
out the lower power mobiles, which generally 

were about 15 miles from the repeater. 

We started hunting it from the repeater site. Ended up in a nearby town, then 
into a neighborhood. By then it was so strong that we had trouble 

isolating one house. Noticed a UHF dish on one tower. I said to my boss "I bet 
someone who's that interested has a preamp up there". 

We were right. He pulled the power to the preamp, and the signal went away. 

But we had to do come explaining how his TV was interfering with security guys 
twenty five miles away. 

Luckily we took a receiver into his house, could hear the interference, and 
that it went away when he killed the preamp. 

Even still, I'd rather approach the person than ever call the Commission. 

After having my radio station inspected twice, I'd rather keep my distance.  

And then there's the story of a guy I knew who complained to the Commission 
about a competitor and ended up being given a LONG list of violations himself. 



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