A dish like in the picture probably has a beam-width of 15-ish degrees. I used a 30 inch BBQ grill antenna for AO-40, and would notice a drop-off when mis-aimed by about that much. ISS moves VERY quickly compared to AO-40, so some sort of active positioning on both axis is going to be required.

I need to get that dish back up on the rotisserie...

Greg  KO6TH

Roger wrote:
Anybody off the top of their heads know how many degrees a second swing are (is?) required for direct aim at the ISS? I know there are beam width tolerances, altitude variations and degree above horizon variations but I'm looking at Bob B's fixed antenna aiming of 15-20 degrees above horizon to evaluate swinging a dish without torque eating up the drive train...

On 5/12/2013 5:01 PM, M5AKA wrote:
The AMSAT-UK page at http://amsat-uk.org/2013/05/12/hamtv-from-the-iss/ provides the links, they are:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Hamtvproject

More information at http://www.amsat.it/Amsat-Italia_HamTV_brochure.pdf
and http://www.amsat.it/Amsat-Italia_HamTV.pdf

The HamTV.pdf gives the link budget, looks like there's 7dB of coax/connector losses to overcome between the ISS transmitter and the antenna. That document indicates a 90cm dish should be sufficient.

I believe that it's going up on ATV 4 which is currently slated for June 5.

73 Trevor M5AKA

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