----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Becker" <w0...@big-river.net>
To: <amsat-bb@amsat.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 8:58 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] so long

> I have decided to leave the list till something changes with this FM 
> only satellite attitude only changes. That was the reason for me as
> well as other joining AMSAT in the first place.
> Please inform me if anything such as a replacement for AO 40
>  happens.
> John
Hi John,W0JAB

I was AMSAT member numbar 798 since OSCAR-6 but I decided
to live my membership after AO40 died because AMSAT changed
his policy with only FM satellites.

I remember that OSCAR-10,OSCAR13 and AO40 where called 
"the satellites for all" and I invested a lot of money for equipments
and antennas dedicated for HEO satellites for nothing in the near

In my opinion the satellite operation is not only an activity to collect
grids but it is mostly experimentation in the VHF/UHF/SHF and
particularly into microwave as it was with AO40 Mode-S/K and
it was very nice until lasted.

As soon AMSAT-NA will work or cooperate with AMSAT-DL 
to built a new HEO satellite I will call Martha and I will pay all
my old duties to cover my previous not covered years of 

By the way I am not against  AMSAT-NA because I understand
the ITAR and during the last 10 years I have cooperate to write
many technical articles for the AMSAT Journal without any
money reward.

If Martha says that the actual AMSAT members are in the order
of 3,000. and if Les Rayburn, N1LF claim to be member of 
AMSAT #38965 it means that in the last 10 years many 
members abandoned AMSAT because of no future with no
HEO satellites and only the FM LEO cubesat for no two
ways communications between continents was not a
satisfactory task.

Many years ago early in 1972 I joined AMSAT because they
promised us to communicate worlwide much better than using
the HF but things changed and our antennas are becaming 
rusty over the roof for very small or for nothing........Sorry !

73" de i8CVS Domenico

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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