i have had my amsat.org redirected email for some 15+ years. i now get 50-100 spam messages per day (as my callsign is pretty active on the web). since my main email account is with at&t, they use yahoo. all of the spam goes into through their spam filter and shows up in the spam folder. should i use mozilla thunderbird to get my email, the spam filter in thunderbird tags all of it and puts it in the spam filter. i browse through them just to see if the filter was not to aggressive and gets rid of an email i want.

it is really no different than when we get some threads going that i do not want to read and just hit the delete key. a nuisance, yes, but life goes on.


On 10/31/2013 10:28 AM, Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL wrote:
At 01:22 AM 10/31/2013 -0700, Phil Karn <k...@ka9q.net> wrote:
A significant fraction of the spam I get on my primary email account
comes by way of the amsat.org email reflector; by my count, 18 of the 76
spam emails I've received in the last day.

But I don't want to just shut it off; sometimes people I do want to hear
from make contact that way. And I've used it to contact others whose
email addresses I don't know, but who I know to be AMSAT members.

I wonder if it would be possible to set up some sort of auto-responder
on amsat.org so that instead of just forwarding email, returns a message
to the sender with a non-machine-readable image of the user's actual
email address, possibly accompanied with a sound file with the same
information for anyone with impaired vision. Spammers couldn't handle
it, especially since most don't even use valid return addresses. But any
real human could resend his email directly to its destination.

What do people think of this idea? How much of a problem is spam for
everyone else here?


I'm Hardly getting any spam or fishing through the reflector,
maybe only one or two a week.  Whenever anything looks like spam
I check the headers and see if it came through the reflector.


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