Thanks for the FOX-1 thermal data! (36 C variation per orbit)

PCSAT (10" cubesat) has less than 15C variation on its sides  with its 0.6
RPM spin and 35% eclipses, but this is because the sides are made of 1/8"
aluminum and have a huge 1/8" center deck that is thermally connected to
the center of each face, providing great communication from the sun side to
the other sides.  Notice, this was a HEAVY satellite because we just
overbuilt it to make sure the heat was evenly distributed.

On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 10:41 AM, <> wrote:

> I must quickly point out some real data:
> Which shows an equilibrium of around +20 degrees after 64 minutes of
> sunlight.
> Black solar cells on a black surface but some polished Aluminium in the
> structure.
> During eclipse, The Earth facing side begins to increase in temperature at
> around -16 degrees, but then cools down rapidly as the cube rotates. The
> temperature is still heading down rapidly as it exits eclipse after 34
> minutes and at around -24C on the outside surfaces.
> Thanks
> David
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Karn <>
> To: amsat-bb <>
> Sent: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 11:59
> Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] ANS-199 AMSAT News Service Special Bulletin -
> AMSAT Fox-1C Launch Opportunity Announced
>  On 07/19/2014 09:23 PM, Robert Bruninga wrote:
> > I cannot believe that.  The equilibrium of a nominally black (solar panels
> > on all sides) spacecraft is something like about 0 to 30 C (32F to 90F) a
> > very benign operational range.  The only time you DO have thermal issues is
> > when you DO have attitude control and have things that are not equally over
> > time seeing the sun and dark sky.
> See Dick's paper for the details; I'm just quoting his results. I know
> the basic physics of heat transfer in space but I would never call
> myself an expert. He is.
> But I can do a back-of-the-envelope calculation that tells me he's right.
> The solar cells they're using have an absorptivity and emissivity that
> is both 0.98, as I recall, so a cubesat covered with them is essentially
> a perfect blackbody.
> A blackbody cube with one face normal to the sun at 1 AU will reach an
> equilibrium temperature of -21.35 C. The problem is that the ratio of
> radiating area to absorbing area for a cube is 6:1 (with the sun normal
> to one surface). A sphere would be warmer because its ratio of radiating
> to absorbing area is only 4:1. A thin flat plate normal to the sun (like
> a solar wing) would be even warmer -- 2:1.
> And that -21.35 C figure is for continuous sunlight. Throw in eclipses
> and things get much worse. Yes, it would be a little better when the sun
> shines on a corner rather than normal to a face, and Earth albedo and IR
> radiation will warm things a little, but not enough to matter.
> --Phil
> PS: Temperature of 10 cm blackbody cube at 1 AU:
> Area facing sun: .01 m^2
> Solar constant: 1367.5 W/m^2
> Absorbed power = 13.675 W
> Total radiating area: .06 m^2
> Emissivity = 1.0 (perfect blackbody)
> Stefan-Boltzmann constant = 5.6703e-8 W/(m^2K^4)
> T = (13.675 W / (5.6703e-8 * 1.0 * .06)) ** (1/4)
>   = 251.8K == -21.35 C
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