On 07/20/2014 06:27 AM, Rick Walter wrote:
> I was not going to post but since no one else has, I thought there needs to 
> be a correction to a statement made in case some younger people are reading 
> the thread. 
> Phil said:
> "Good analogy, actually. They returned to the moon six times (succeeding
> on five) because they had excess hardware originally built in the
> expectation that the first attempts would fail."
> There were actually seven manned missions to the moon. Six succeeded. Apollo 
> 13 never landed on the moon and returned to earth safely. Apollo 
> 11,12,14,15,16, and 17 landed. 12 American astronauts walked on the moon. 

That's exactly what I said. They *returned* to the moon (i.e., after
landing the first time on Apollo 11) six times, succeeding on five.

Three missions went to the moon without landing: Apollos 8, 10 and 13,
for a total of nine Apollo lunar missions. Two more (7 & 9) remained in
earth orbit.


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