> This indeed is a problem. If you are using the desktop integration 
> plugin with KDE (maybe GNOME too), the fileselector can return different 
> protocols depending where the file is. Of course Tcl won't be able to 
> open the files. So what we could so is check, is the first a /? If yes 
> continue, because this was most likely gotten via the tk file selector.

No need to. The check is done before passing the path to the proc to send 
it - in the proc that handles the drop. However, I do think some sanity 
checks have to be made.

> Btw, what do the file selectors have to do with the drag and drop? Is it 
> that different file managers give different paths when using dnd?

I have tried with Konqueror and Krusader and they seem OK - almost. I have 
eneabled to show device icons on desktop, for quick access. If I drag and 
drop from one of them, it returns something like media:/hdc1/filename.txt 
. This *is* within our own filesystem, but we need to access the mtab in 
order to decipher that, and I don't think it's a good idea :)

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