Humm.. I'm not sure, I also dislike tikiwiki but do we really want to redo  
all that work and migrate from one to another ? the syntax is not the same  
for one thing...
also, developer stuff should be kept under developer access only, so we  
can use our tiki accounts to edit those pages...
in mediawiki we can only say protect from unregistered or protect from  
unregistered and non-sysops... so what if we want to give the rights to  
some developers without giving them sysop status...
anyways, I'd prefer devels to have their 'own space', where noone could  
bother us.. where we could write about amsn2 without getting tons of  
mails/reports/forum threads/edits of wiki/ asking "ohh, I just read about  
amsn2, why not use this or this language instead" or people knowing  
nothing trying to give their 'ideas'....


On Sun, 18 Jun 2006 09:21:31 -0400, NoWhereMan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> ----- Original Message -----
> To: "Mailing list for developers and everyone helping AMSN"
> <>
> Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 2:10 PM
> Subject: Re: [Amsn-devel] new WIKI
>> Just a thought, is there any chance the devwiki could be migrated to
>> mediawiki at some point (I'd be willing to help) I dislike
>> tiki-wiki... and mediawiki is so nice :)
> yes, I think that would be nice too... actually I don't see reasons for  
> them
> to be splitted (safety? you can lock pages if you want)
> bye :)
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> Amsn-devel mailing list


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