The first time we ran analog on our 18 months of log files, it took nearly 13
hours doing DNS lookups. This didn't surprise me as the report came back saying
we had 23,943 distinct hosts.
I happened to look at it yesterday (after a couple weeks of cfg tweeking) and it
said only 6,034 distinct hosts served. Today it says 8,092. I really don't
believe that out of 7901 requests yesterday, that we had more than 2000 hosts who
had never vistied our system before (that's less than four requests per host,
which means every one did not completely load our index page).
If that is true, and we did have 2000 new hosts yesterday, then our total should
be a lot higher (more like 25,000) (or our index page needs to be changed to make
people stay :). I don't have any host aliases in our cfg file. What affects this
number and why might it have changed?


Jeremy Wadsack
OutQuest Magazine
a Wadsack-Allen publication

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