>Many log analysis tools impliment the IAB definition of a visit. While 
>it doesn't acurately refect any specific human activity, it is very 
>useful and well defined. Comparing visits at one site to visits at 
>another site or to visits during a different period of time can be 
>meaningful, even if we still have no idea exactly what the absolute 
>numbers mean.

It can just as easily be totally misleading, if the user profile is 
significantly different. Something that might be meaningful, or might not 
be, depending on whether or not you're comparing apples to apples, is 
basically a waste of time.

I don't have anything against "session analysis", but historical log 
files are not the way to do it. Analog is a wonderful hammer, but 
"session analysis" is not a nail, and people who insist on trying to do 
"session analysis" from their log files are using the wrong tool for the 


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