Andy Greensted wrote:

> Do you have any more information on the following warning, or know of where
> I can get some. The analog help is a little vague.

> LOGFORMAT (%f -> %r)
> LOGFILE /usr/local/etc/httpd/vhosts/allsaintslb/logs/referer_log
> Warning M
>         contains lines with no bytes: byte counts may be low

This implies that elsewhere you are tracking bytes (or you hav B or b in your
COLS for some report(s)). Analog is warning you that even through you're
counting bytes on some files, there may be othre requests that have no byte
count. For example if you have a request_log that counts %r AND the above
referer_log you may be counting all the request (with referers) twice.

> LOGFILE /usr/local/etc/httpd/vhosts/allsaintslb/logs/agent_log
>        contains lines with no file names: page counts may be low

I assume this message comes out of the agent_log. Try removing the above lines
and running again. If the message disappears you can safley ignore it or turn
it off.

> Another thing, I tried using the APACHELOGFORMAT directive but it wasn't
> recognised. Could it be that the pre-compiled executable that I'm using
> doesn't have this module included.

Are you running the latest version of Analog? This was added in 3.3 (I think).

Jeremy Wadsack
OutQuest Magazine
a Wadsack-Allen publication

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